You Got Slow WiFi?

Here are 10 tips and tricks to help you make it go faster for FREE.

Isaias L.
4 min readJul 15, 2021
Photo by Praveen kumar Mathivanan on Unsplash

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get your WiFi faster and better with a few simple methods

1. Change Your DNS

Changing you DNS makes your WiFi much faster being the fastest overall in all regions and being reliable as well. Open setting on your phone and go to WiFi network. If your using Iphone then click on the I icon with a blue circle then go scroll down until you see configure DNS. Click on it and then switch from automatic to manual, once you click it you should see a set of numbers, erase then and then add and add another number for back up being If you are using Android click on your WiFi network and click on it and find modify network. Once you find it open it and click on show advanced options, scroll down until you see IP settings. Once you find it click on it and click static, tap DNS 1 erase the old numbers and add on the first line and on the second DNS 2 also erase the old numbers and then add and then save. That’s one of the ways to make your WiFi faster but there are more ways to also help.

2. Use Clear Cache App On Your Phone

If you never heard of cache it basically means all the little information the website you visit collect so they use it for companies to see what kind of things people like and it’s not necessary to have on your phone, which takes space and also using WiFi to keep it on there. So first install any Clear cache app on your phone and open it up. Once opened then click where it’s starts to erase it, once done the that’s it you can uninstall the app if you want and install it in the future again to make your clear more cache from your phone.

3. Move Your Router To The Middle Of Your Home

This one is fairy simple when moving your router in the middle of the room it has the same connection for any place you are at home instead of just having it in a room that you have to be in, instead having in the middle will have the same speed from anywhere from your home.

4. Turn Off And Turn Back On Your Router

Yes really, when turning off and on your router in basically is saying to reset it’s network so in doing this it will go back to like if you go it new and reset itself. So meaning it will make your WiFi speed much faster and smoother for streaming and downloads. Also if you are using an LTE network then you can do the same, turn it off and turn it back on so it resets like if you are using a router.

5. Close Tabs And/Or Apps

Leaving your tabs and apps open takes up WiFi when your not even using it. Just simply close then if you don’t need to use them. If you are using multiple I recommend to just have 5 apps or tabs open if you are using them since if you use more then it’ll start slowing down.

6. Don’t Hide Your WiFi router

When hiding your WiFi router it slows down connection since the signal is being blocked from the objects next to it. Place your router from objects and give it free space so signals can be smoother to get to your devices faster.

7. Use A Boost WiFi App

Find a WiFi boost app so you can get better WiFi. These apps actually work in making your WiFi faster, I recommend booster WiFi since it’s the fastest and most reliable having many downloads and reviews being one of the best overall.

8. Reset Your Phone

Simply just reset your phone so it also resets the WiFi network giving a faster speed and being much more smoother. Go in settings and go the general if you have an Iphone and then click scroll down and click on network. Then click on reset network and tap confirm. Once done wait for it to boot up and there your set. For androids users go into settings search up reset and it should show, click on reset and do the same as for Iphone click confirm and your done.

9. Update Your Phone

Always update your phone since it gives it the newest and best features and also having updates to allow better WiFi connections and speeds. Android and Iphone both have the same way to update, go to your setting click on search for update and it should show if you need to update it or if your on the latest network already.

10. Reset Your WiFi Router

Check for what WiFi router you have, search up what kind it is and around the router there should be a way to reset the router. If you are having trouble watch a YouTube video and it’ll help you for sure. In doing this it’ll reset the network and speed so it’ll faster.

